CherryPot’s effectiveness has been proven in 180+ schools! Start the most efficient and accurate math learning with our process-level feedback and personalized curriculum. Support smartphone, tablet, web, and even Chromebook!
Efficiently manage & track your class’s learning status from assignment creation to distribution, real-time AI solution analysis, and personalized feedback! Accessible on every device through web browser. No additional installations required!
Maximize your competitiveness with math-specialized AI, while maintaining your core values. We are here to streamline the operational processes facilitating digital transformation from assignments and grading/feedback to counseling and more.

Invited ASU+GSV Summit & Selected for GSV Cup Elite 200, promising global Edtech startup selection program. (San Diego, U.S.A, First and only EdTech startup in Korea) Selected for EduSpaze program, the largest EdTech accelerator in Southeast Asia. Established networks around the region. (Singapore, First and only EdTech startup in Korea.)
Invested by Naver D2SF, FuturePlay, Ceasars Lab Selected for TIPS R&D, Innovation Startup Package, TIPS to Global, and more. Recognized for our achievements and excellence by the government, including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and ICT, KISED, and KERIS. Selected for Microsoft Startup Program
Through autonomy, responsibility, and collaboration, we strive for mutual growth between the company and our members.
Currently, there are no active job openings.
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